Sunday 31 July 2011

Some Surprise Arrivals

 I know you all would probably like to know where we are at with numbers . Up to Sat. July 30th, approxiamately 640 quilts have been received.  A total of 424 quilts have been given out with 227 households having received their quilts. So of that 424  ,197 children have received their quilts. That leaves another 500 households and app. 600-800 children  that have yet to receive a quilt. I know though from talking and e-mailing with many individuals and groups that August will be a very busy month for quilts arriving from all over Canada. Can't wait for the excitement those shipments will create both at the store and in the town.

Now for some  picture updates:

This lovely group of 5 quilts were a total surprise delivery from quilters on Gabriola Island,B.C. Thank you Gabriola ladies!!

The same day Marla Willier from the High Prairie Guilt Quilt
delivered this beautiful bunch  of quilts from the ladies with that guild.
Thank you High Prairie ladies!!

Then Tuesday of this past week Joyce and Dan Karau from Yellowknife dropped off quilts from the guild up there on their way to Saskatchewan. I was expecting these quilts but it was such a pleasant surprise to have them hand delivered .Thank you Yellowknife quilters and it was so great meeting you Joyce and Dan.


  1. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!

  2. I am so glad that so many wonderful quilts have been received for the people who lost their homes in Slave Lake. My friends in the Western Retreat quilting group donated a lot as well and some of them came from BC. The quilting ladies are wonderful. Shirley Paterson
